Brainstorming with MindMeister

In the creative process of brainstorming, MindMeister is a great tool for creating mind maps digitally. It’s an very intuitive software product for curso do Excel EBAC creating and storing mind maps online. It can be used on computer, mobile and tablets, which means you can always create, access and review your mind maps. There is a free version for creating up to 3 mind maps on your computer, but on mobile and tablet devices you can create more than 3 mind maps for free, but you won’t be able to edit those on the computer without upgrading to a paid account.



Brainstorming can also easily be done with pen and paper, and for some people the more physical nature of pen and paper can be inspiring for the creative process. But this is very individual from person to person.


How to get started with MindMeister

Watch this video and get a brief introduction on how to get started with MindMeister


Please share in the comments below what you brainstorm about and if you prefer pen and paper, MindMeister or some other tools for brainstorming.

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